Successive Convexification with Continuous-Time Constraint Satisfaction
Successive Convexification with Continuous-Time Constraint Satisfaction
Successive convexification, a real-time solution for nonconvex trajectory optimization that ensures continuous-time constraint satisfaction, guaranteed convergence, and robust performance.
Optimization with Temporal and Logical Specifications
Optimization with Temporal and Logical Specifications
A smooth, sound and complete robustness measure (D-GMSR) to integrate temporal and logical specifications into optimization problems.
Constrained Visibility Guidance
Constrained Visibility Guidance
Constrained Visibility Guidance (CVG) presents a novel approach to modeling terrain scanning constraints for powered landing maneuvers using a theory of constrained conic intersections.
HALO: Hazard-Aware Landing Optimization
HALO: Hazard-Aware Landing Optimization
HALO presents a combined perception (HALSS) and trajectory planning (Adaptive-DDTO) solution towards contingency planning for landing maneuvers with multiple candidate landing sites.
Hardware Platforms
Hardware Platforms